Business Compass LLC Apps

Student Loan - Advanced 5.0
Key Features -1. Consolidated Federal Student Loans2. Calculate monthly payment and amortization schedule for loanterms up to 25 years3. Compare loan payments4. Save tab delimited amortization schedule and compared paymentsfile in SD card5. E-Mail amortization schedule and compared payments asattachment
World Time 12.0
1. Select city and time zone from region2. Selection of 600 time zones and 600 cities (242 capitals)available3. Save cities, time zones, date input format, country specificdisplay format, base city and base time zone4. Jump to base city and time zone5. Obtain local time, search and convert
Bond Calculator Professional 5.0
Features:1. Straight Bond Value,2. Convertible Bond Value (straight bond value, conversion value,and option value), Yield-to-Maturity,3. Accrued Interest4. Macaulay’s Duration, Modified Duration, Dollar Duration, % pricechange to interest rates (Volatility) and price value of a basispoint.5. Graph6. Save & e-mail
Wind Chill Index 9.0
Wind Chill Index calculates wind chill (in ºF,ºC and Watts/Squared Meter) from air temperature (in ºF or ºC) andwind speed (Miles/Hour or Kilometers/Hour).This application calculates wind-chill index when temperature isabove 40 ºF or 4.4 ºC. However, the models do not hold well at suchtemperatures.Help video available.
Mobile Banker 20
Mobile Banker is the most comprehensivefinancial application for investment bankers, MBA students andfinance professionals.Key Features:1. Amortization2. Bonda. Straight Bondb. Convertible Bondc. Accrued Interest3. Calendar Functiona. Date Add/subtractb. Days/Month/Years between datesc. Day of Week4. Advanced Post-fix Scientific Calculator Calculatora. 20 Basic Arithmetic Operationsb. Ability to specify and perform fractionsc. 3Probability Operationsd. 5 Memory Operationse. 13 Trigonometry operationsf. 7 Statistics functions + data repeatg. Specify significance and precisionh. Simplify mixed fractionsi. Roundingj. Random number generationk. Rectangular to plar and vice versa5. Consumer Financea. Auto Financei. Amortizationii. Comparisoniii. Leaseiv. Lease vs. Buyv. Hybrid Break Even Point Analysisvi. What if analysisb. College Financei. Amortizationii. Comparisoniii. Consolidationiv. What if analysisc. Home Financei. Amortizationii. Affordabilityiii. APRiv. Balloon Paymentv. Comparisonvi. Costv. Durationvi. Qualificationvii. What if analysis6. Depreciationa. Straight Lineb. Accelerated Depreciation - Double Decliningc. Sum of Years Digitsd. Production or Usee. MACRS7. Forward & Futurea. Commodityb. Currencyc. Indexd. Forward8. Interest Ratea.Annuityb. Compound Interestc. Effective Annual Cost (EAC)d. Effective Annual Rate (EAR)e. Nominal/Real Interest Ratef. Perpetuityg. Simple Interest9. NPV/IRRa. Intervali. Calculate NPV of a series ofcash flowsii. Calculate IRR of a series of cash flow in APR and in ContinuousCompounding (CC)iii. Flexible cash flow (CF) timingiv. Flexible discount rates for NPV. Discount rate is carried overif none specified for a CF.v. Accepts CF CF starts at non-zero CF timing, if specified.Other wise, CFfor IRR starts at 0 and NPV at 1. CF starts at next numberb. Timei. Specify cash flow start timeii. Specify date of occurrance of cash flowiii. Specify cash flow repeat frequency in Month, Quarter,Half-Year, Year.iv. Rest of NPV/IRR - Interval functionality follow.10. Monte Carlo SimulationSimulates prices from the following 4 parameters:a. Trading daysb. Initial valuec. daily averaged. daily standard deviation of prices11. Optiona. Equity/Indexi. Option Valueii. Greeksiii. Implied Volatilityiv. Profitability analysisb. Foreign Currencyi. Option Valueii. Greeksiii. Implied Volatilityiv. Profitability analysisc. Option On Futurei. Option Valueii. Greeksiii. Implied Volatilityiv. Profitability analysis12. T-Billa. T-Bill Eq - Bond Equivalent Yield of Treasury Bills fromsettlement date, maturity date , and discount rateb. T-Bill Price Returns the price per $100 face value for aTreasury bill from from settlement date, maturity date , (or timeto maturity in days, months and years) and discount rate.c. T-Bill Yield13. Time Value14. Valuation - APV, Beta Un-lever, Beta Re-Lever, CAPM, WACC,WACC Valuation14. What if analysis15. World TimeSelect city and time zone from regionSelect of 600 time zones and 600 cities by regiona. Local time in 242 capitals by regionb. Local time in 50 major citiesc. Save cities, time zones, date input format, country specificdisplay format, base city and base time zoned. Jump to base city and time zonee. Obtain local time, search and convertf. Display in 8 locales16. Yield Curve17. Z-Score & bankruptcy probabilityComputes Z-Score, bankruptcy probability and interprets Z-Score(safe zone, distress zone, gray area) from market valuemeasures.18. What's Related displays related Business Compass LLCapps19. Places call to Business Compass20. Context sensitive help video21. Graphs & Charts22. Save/E-mail Result23. Weather24. News Reader25. Stop Watch
MBA Sidekick 3.0
Key Features:Comprehensive MBA Level Finance and Statistics. Actualcalculatation and Analysis is performed by the App. Accounting,Economics, Marketing and Strategy would be introduced next.1. Finance2. Statistics3. Calculator4. RSS Feed5. Stop Watch6. Weather (US Only)7. World Time3. Call & E-Mail SupportFinance:1. Amortization2. Bond - Straight Bond, Convertible Bond, Accrued Interest3. Consumer Finance - auto, home and student loan4. Depreciation - Straight Line, Declining Balance, Sum-of-Years'Digits, Production Or Use, MACRS5. Forward & Future6. Monte Carlo Simulation7. Option - Foreign Currency, Option on Future, Equity/StockOption8. T-Bill9. Time Valuea. Comparisonb. Interest Rate - Simple, Compound, Annuity, Perpetuity,Nominal/Real, Effective Annual Rate (EAR)c. NPV/IRRd. Time Value of Money - Present Value (PV), Payment, Future Value(FV), Interest Rate, Timee. Estimated Annual Cost10. What-if Analysis11. Valuation12. Yield CurveDetailed Features:1. Amortization - Summary, Schedule, Pie Chart of Interest vs.Principle and Line Chart of cumulative balances.2. Bond - Straight Bond and Convertible Bond. Bond Volatilities,Accrued Interest, Price Value of Basis Point, Bond AmortizationSchedule, Bond Price Graph over time.3. Consumer Financea. Auto Financei. Amortization with graphs & chartsii. Comparison with bar chartiii. Leaseiv. Lease vs. Buyv. Hybrid Break Even Point Analysisvi. What if analysisb. College Financei. Amortization with graphs/chartsii. Comparison with bar graphsiii. Consolidationiv. What if analysisv. Data is saved and retrieved upon return.c. Home Financei. Amortization with graphs/chartsii. Affordabilityiii. APRiv. Balloon Paymentv. Comparison with bar graphsvi. Costv. Durationvi. Qualificationvii. What if analysis4. Depreciationa. Straight Lineb. Accelerated Depreciation - Double Decliningc. Sum of Years Digitsd. Production or Usee. MACRSf. Area chart of accumulated depreciation vs. ending book valueover asset life5. Forward & Futurea. Commodityb. Currencyc. Indexd. Forward6. Interest Ratea.Annuityb. Compound Interestc. Effective Annual Cost (EAC)d. Effective Annual Rate (EAR)e. Nominal/Real Interest Ratef. Perpetuityg. Simple Interest7. Monte Carlo Simulation - supply trading days, initialsecurity price, daily average and daily standard deviation. Add oneor more initial security price, daily average and daily standarddeviation and the app simulates security price over the tradingdays.8. NPV/IRR - Flexible Cash Flow Start Time and Cash FlowRepetition9. Optiona. Equity/Indexi. Option Valueii. Greeksiii. Implied Volatilityiv. Profitability analysisv. Payoff chartb. Foreign Currencyi. Option Valueii. Greeksiii. Implied Volatilityiv. Profitability analysisv. Payoff graphsc. Option On Futurei. Option Valueii. Greeksiii. Implied Volatilityiv. Profitability analysisv. Payoff graphs10. T-Bill11. Time Value12. Valuation - APV, Beta Un-lever, Beta Re-Lever, CAPM, WACC,WACC Valuation13. What if analysis14. US Yield Curve for most recent date as well as for a datepicked from available dates16. Call & E-Mail Support18. E-mail ResultKey Features:1. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)2. Beta Function3. Covariance & Correlation4. Effective Size5. Error Function6. Gamma Function7. Probabilitya. CDF & PDF - Chi-Square, Fisher F-Distribution, NormalDistribution, Standard Normal Distribution, Student'st-Distributionc. p-value and Inverse p-value8. simple and Multiple Regression9. Solver - Solves Polynomials10. Summary Statistics
Option Suite - Professional 5.0
Key Features:1. Computes American and European option price for equity(including equity index), foreign currency option and option onfutures2. Computes Option Greeks - Delta, Vega, Theta, Gamma and Rho. Incase of currency option, Rho 2 (sensitivity to foreign interestrate) is calculated.3. Implied volatility - Both from American and European Call/Putoption prices, implied volatility is derived.Call, put, covered call and protective put option strategy payoffis provided.Input:1. Stock Price/Future Price/Foreign Currency Spot PriceStrike/Exercise Price2. Expiration time in day, month, year or select expirationdate3. Risk free interest rate or domestic interest rate4. Optional Dividend yield for equity/index options5. Foreign interest rate for foreign currency options6. Historic volatility of the securityOutput:1. Summary - American/European Call/Put Price, Intrinsic Valueand Time Value2. Greeks - Delta, Gamma, Theta, Vega, Rho and Rho 2 (foreigncurrency) for call/put3. Payoff- payoff of call, put, covered call and protectiveput4. Implied Volatility - From European/American Call/Put price,implied volatility is calculated.5. Graphs/Charts of Profitability6. Save and e-mail result
Yield Curve 7.0
1. Plots US Treasury Yield Curve for all datesfor which yield is available2. Allows selecting a date from the available dates to display theyield curve for that date
Stock Option Professional 6.0
1. Computes American and European Optionprices using Barone-Adesi Whaley and Black-Schole modelsrespectively2. Computes Option Greeks - Delta, Gamma, Theta, Vega and Rho3. Computes implied volatility for American and Europeanoptions4. Accommodates dividend yield5. Save and e-mail6.Profit graphs of option strategies
Foreign Currency Option Pro 5.0
1. Computes American and European Call and Putprice for foreign currency2. Computes option Greeks3. Computes Rho 2 (option price sensitivity to foreign interestrate)4. Implied volatility for American and European option price5. Save and e-mail option price and Greeks6. Profit graphs of option strategies
Mortgage Basic 12
1. Amortizes home loan for loan terms up to 40years.2. Provides summary of monthly payment, total payment made andtotal interest paid.3. Provides details of monthly payment - interest + principle,beginning and ending balances.4. Presents Graphs and charts.5. Start date can be picked from date picker6. Calculator
Stock Option Basic 7.0
This application computes European call andput option prices when stock, strike, risk free interest rate,expiry time or date, historic volatility and dividend yield(optional) are supplied.Expiration time in Days, Months and Year can be entered.Expiration date can be selected.Displays call and put profit graphs.
NPV IRR Professional 10.0
1. Calculates NPV and IRR2. Accepts cash flow intervals3. Accepts cash flow date4. Saves date format5. Allows flexible cash flow interval/timing and repetition6. When no cash flow interval or date is specified cash flow timingis incremented by 1 unit or 1 year7. Specify odd interval and date8. Product Video8. Repeat cash flow
Car Loan - Basic 11.0
1. Car loan amortization up to 15 yearsincluding 0% interest2. Summary of monthly payment and interest.3. Amortization table4. Pie chart of interest and principle paid5. Line graph of cumulative interest, principle, remainingprinciple and interest6. Built in calculator with basic arithmetic functions
Mobile Banker (Rupee) 17
Mobile Banker is the most comprehensivefinancial application for investment bankers, MBA students andfinance professionals.This app supports Indian Rupee currency.Key Features:1. Amortization2. Bonda. Straight Bondb. Convertible Bondc. Accrued Interest3. Calendar Functiona. Date Add/subtractb. Days/Month/Years between datesc. Day of Week4. Advanced Post-fix Scientific Calculator Calculatora. 20 Basic Arithmetic Operationsb. Ability to specify and perform fractionsc. 3Probability Operationsd. 5 Memory Operationse. 13 Trigonometry operationsf. 7 Statistics functions + data repeatg. Specify significance and precisionh. Simplify mixed fractionsi. Roundingj. Random number generationk. Rectangular to plar and vice versa5. Consumer Financea. Auto Financei. Amortizationii. Comparisoniii. Leaseiv. Lease vs. Buyv. Hybrid Break Even Point Analysisvi. What if analysisb. College Financei. Amortizationii. Comparisoniii. Consolidationiv. What if analysisc. Home Financei. Amortizationii. Affordabilityiii. APRiv. Balloon Paymentv. Comparisonvi. Costv. Durationvi. Qualificationvii. What if analysis6. Depreciationa. Straight Lineb. Accelerated Depreciation - Double Decliningc. Sum of Years Digitsd. Production or Usee. MACRS7. Forward & Futurea. Commodityb. Currencyc. Indexd. Forward8. Interest Ratea.Annuityb. Compound Interestc. Effective Annual Cost (EAC)d. Effective Annual Rate (EAR)e. Nominal/Real Interest Ratef. Perpetuityg. Simple Interest9. NPV/IRRa. Intervali. Calculate NPV of a series ofcash flowsii. Calculate IRR of a series of cash flow in APR and in ContinuousCompounding (CC)iii. Flexible cash flow (CF) timingiv. Flexible discount rates for NPV. Discount rate is carried overif none specified for a CF.v. Accepts CF CF starts at non-zero CF timing, if specified.Other wise, CFfor IRR starts at 0 and NPV at 1. CF starts at next numberb. Timei. Specify cash flow start timeii. Specify date of occurrance of cash flowiii. Specify cash flow repeat frequency in Month, Quarter,Half-Year, Year.iv. Rest of NPV/IRR - Interval functionality follow.10. Monte Carlo SimulationSimulates prices from the following 4 parameters:a. Trading daysb. Initial valuec. daily averaged. daily standard deviation of prices11. Optiona. Equity/Indexi. Option Valueii. Greeksiii. Implied Volatilityiv. Profitability analysisb. Foreign Currencyi. Option Valueii. Greeksiii. Implied Volatilityiv. Profitability analysisc. Option On Futurei. Option Valueii. Greeksiii. Implied Volatilityiv. Profitability analysis12. T-Billa. T-Bill Eq - Bond Equivalent Yield of Treasury Bills fromsettlement date, maturity date , and discount rateb. T-Bill Price Returns the price per $100 face value for aTreasury bill from from settlement date, maturity date , (or timeto maturity in days, months and years) and discount rate.c. T-Bill Yield - Returns the yield for a Treasury bill fromsettlement date, maturity date , and price. Face value of TreasuryBill is $100.13. Time Value14. Valuation - APV, Beta Un-lever, Beta Re-Lever, CAPM, WACC,WACC Valuation14. What if analysis15. World TimeSelect city and time zone from regionSelect of 600 time zones and 600 cities by regiona. Local time in 242 capitals by regionb. Local time in 50 major citiesc. Save cities, time zones, date input format, country specificdisplay format, base city and base time zoned. Jump to base city and time zonee. Obtain local time, search and convertf. Display in 8 locales16. Yield Curve17. Z-Score & bankruptcy probabilityComputes Z-Score, bankruptcy probability and interprets Z-Score(safe zone, distress zone, gray area) from market valuemeasures.18. What's Related displays related Business Compass LLCapps19. Graphs & Charts20. Save/E-mail Result
Time value of money - Pro 11.0
Key Features:1. Amortization with save/e-mail and graphs2. Loan Comparison3. Straight & Convertible bond with graphs4. Fully functional post-fix calculator5. Date6. Estimated Annual Cost7. Forward/Future8. Interest Rate9. NPV/IRR10. T-Bill11. Time Value - PV, FV, Time and Interest12. Yield Curve
Forward & Future Contract 6.0
Forward and Future(Index, Currency andCommodity) Contract computes delivery price, value and parity rate.Actual dividend/yield received and actual storage cost/% ofcommodity price paid can be specified. Dividend yield/storage costis annual unless specified otherwise. Foreign interest rate iscaptured by dividend.
Depreciation Calculator Advanc 3.0
Key Features of Depreciation CalculatorAdvanced:1. straight line - time and Production or Use,2. and Accelerated Depreciation Methods - Declining Balance andSum-of-Years' Digits.3. Save and e-mail depreciation schedule4. Displays ending book value and accumulated depreciationgraph
Heat Index 5.0
Heat Index (HI)application calculates heatindex from air temperature and relative humidity. Relative humidityis supplied in %.HI is sometimes referred to as the "apparent Temperature". TheHI, given in degrees F, is a measure of how hot it feels whenrelative humidity (RH) is added to the actual air temperature
Mobile Banker (DROID) 17
Mobile Banker is the most comprehensivefinancial application for investment bankers, MBA students andfinance professionals.Key Features:1. Amortization2. Bonda. Straight Bondb. Convertible Bondc. Accrued Interest3. Calendar Functiona. Date Add/subtractb. Days/Month/Years between datesc. Day of Week4. Advanced Post-fix Scientific Calculator Calculatora. 20 Basic Arithmetic Operationsb. Ability to specify and perform fractionsc. 3Probability Operationsd. 5 Memory Operationse. 13 Trigonometry operationsf. 7 Statistics functions + data repeatg. Specify significance and precisionh. Simplify mixed fractionsi. Roundingj. Random number generationk. Rectangular to plar and vice versa5. Consumer Financea. Auto Financei. Amortizationii. Comparisoniii. Leaseiv. Lease vs. Buyv. Hybrid Break Even Point Analysisvi. What if analysisb. College Financei. Amortizationii. Comparisoniii. Consolidationiv. What if analysisc. Home Financei. Amortizationii. Affordabilityiii. APRiv. Balloon Paymentv. Comparisonvi. Costv. Durationvi. Qualificationvii. What if analysis6. Depreciationa. Straight Lineb. Accelerated Depreciation - Double Decliningc. Sum of Years Digitsd. Production or Usee. MACRS7. Forward & Futurea. Commodityb. Currencyc. Indexd. Forward8. Interest Ratea.Annuityb. Compound Interestc. Effective Annual Cost (EAC)d. Effective Annual Rate (EAR)e. Nominal/Real Interest Ratef. Perpetuityg. Simple Interest9. NPV/IRRa. Intervali. Calculate NPV of a series ofcash flowsii. Calculate IRR of a series of cash flow in APR and in ContinuousCompounding (CC)iii. Flexible cash flow (CF) timingiv. Flexible discount rates for NPV. Discount rate is carried overif none specified for a CF.v. Accepts CF CF starts at non-zero CF timing, if specified.Other wise, CFfor IRR starts at 0 and NPV at 1. CF starts at next numberb. Timei. Specify cash flow start timeii. Specify date of occurrance of cash flowiii. Specify cash flow repeat frequency in Month, Quarter,Half-Year, Year.iv. Rest of NPV/IRR - Interval functionality follow.10. Monte Carlo SimulationSimulates prices from the following 4 parameters:a. Trading daysb. Initial valuec. daily averaged. daily standard deviation of prices11. Optiona. Equity/Indexi. Option Valueii. Greeksiii. Implied Volatilityiv. Profitability analysisb. Foreign Currencyi. Option Valueii. Greeksiii. Implied Volatilityiv. Profitability analysisc. Option On Futurei. Option Valueii. Greeksiii. Implied Volatilityiv. Profitability analysis12. T-Billa. T-Bill Eq - Bond Equivalent Yield of Treasury Bills fromsettlement date, maturity date , and discount rateb. T-Bill Price Returns the price per $100 face value for aTreasury bill from from settlement date, maturity date , (or timeto maturity in days, months and years) and discount rate.c. T-Bill Yield - Returns the yield for a Treasury bill fromsettlement date, maturity date , and price. Face value of TreasuryBill is $100.13. Time Value14. Valuation - APV, Beta Un-lever, Beta Re-Lever, CAPM, WACC,WACC Valuation14. What if analysis15. World TimeSelect city and time zone from regionSelect of 600 time zones and 600 cities by regiona. Local time in 242 capitals by regionb. Local time in 50 major citiesc. Save cities, time zones, date input format, country specificdisplay format, base city and base time zoned. Jump to base city and time zonee. Obtain local time, search and convertf. Display in 8 locales16. Yield Curve17. Z-Score & bankruptcy probability18. What's Related displays related Business Compass LLC apps19. Weather20. Stopwatch21. Context sensitive video22. Call & E-Mail Support23. Graphs & Charts. Save/E-mail Result
Mobile Banker (EURO) 17
Mobile Banker is the most comprehensivefinancial application for investment bankers, MBA students andfinance professionals.This app supports EURO.Key Features:1. Amortization2. Bonda. Straight Bondb. Convertible Bondc. Accrued Interest3. Calendar Functiona. Date Add/subtractb. Days/Month/Years between datesc. Day of Week4. Advanced Post-fix Scientific Calculator Calculatora. 20 Basic Arithmetic Operationsb. Ability to specify and perform fractionsc. 3Probability Operationsd. 5 Memory Operationse. 13 Trigonometry operationsf. 7 Statistics functions + data repeatg. Specify significance and precisionh. Simplify mixed fractionsi. Roundingj. Random number generationk. Rectangular to plar and vice versa5. Consumer Financea. Auto Financei. Amortizationii. Comparisoniii. Leaseiv. Lease vs. Buyv. Hybrid Break Even Point Analysisvi. What if analysisb. College Financei. Amortizationii. Comparisoniii. Consolidationiv. What if analysisc. Home Financei. Amortizationii. Affordabilityiii. APRiv. Balloon Paymentv. Comparisonvi. Costv. Durationvi. Qualificationvii. What if analysis6. Depreciationa. Straight Lineb. Accelerated Depreciation - Double Decliningc. Sum of Years Digitsd. Production or Usee. MACRS7. Forward & Futurea. Commodityb. Currencyc. Indexd. Forward8. Interest Ratea.Annuityb. Compound Interestc. Effective Annual Cost (EAC)d. Effective Annual Rate (EAR)e. Nominal/Real Interest Ratef. Perpetuityg. Simple Interest9. NPV/IRRa. Intervali. Calculate NPV of a series ofcash flowsii. Calculate IRR of a series of cash flow in APR and in ContinuousCompounding (CC)iii. Flexible cash flow (CF) timingiv. Flexible discount rates for NPV. Discount rate is carried overif none specified for a CF.v. Accepts CF CF starts at non-zero CF timing, if specified.Other wise, CFfor IRR starts at 0 and NPV at 1. CF starts at next numberb. Timei. Specify cash flow start timeii. Specify date of occurrance of cash flowiii. Specify cash flow repeat frequency in Month, Quarter,Half-Year, Year.iv. Rest of NPV/IRR - Interval functionality follow.10. Monte Carlo SimulationSimulates prices from the following 4 parameters:a. Trading daysb. Initial valuec. daily averaged. daily standard deviation of prices11. Optiona. Equity/Indexi. Option Valueii. Greeksiii. Implied Volatilityiv. Profitability analysisb. Foreign Currencyi. Option Valueii. Greeksiii. Implied Volatilityiv. Profitability analysisc. Option On Futurei. Option Valueii. Greeksiii. Implied Volatilityiv. Profitability analysis12. T-Billa. T-Bill Eq - Bond Equivalent Yield of Treasury Bills fromsettlement date, maturity date , and discount rateb. T-Bill Price Returns the price per $100 face value for aTreasury bill from from settlement date, maturity date , (or timeto maturity in days, months and years) and discount rate.c. T-Bill Yield13. Time Value14. Valuation - APV, Beta Un-lever, Beta Re-Lever, CAPM, WACC,WACC Valuation14. What if analysis15. World TimeSelect city and time zone from regionSelect of 600 time zones and 600 cities by regiona. Local time in 242 capitals by regionb. Local time in 50 major citiesc. Save cities, time zones, date input format, country specificdisplay format, base city and base time zoned. Jump to base city and time zonee. Obtain local time, search and convertf. Display in 8 locales16. Yield Curve17. Z-Score & bankruptcy probability18. What's Related displays related Business Compass LLC apps19. Graphs & Charts20. Save/E-mail Result21. News - Add RSS feeds and read news articles22. Weather based on latitude and longitude where available23. Context sensitive video help24. One click call25. E-mail26. Stop Watch
Car Finance Professional 13.0
1. Car loan amortization &comparison2. Car lease and lease vs. buy3. Hybrid car break-even-point miles and fuel price4. Save and e-mail results. Graphs and charts5. Built in calculator6. What-if analysis calculates one of 4 variables (principle,interest,time and payment) when other 3 are given9. Configure Sales Tax
Mobile Banker - Trial 18
Mobile Banker is the most comprehensivefinancial application for investment bankers, MBA students andfinance professionals.Key Features:1. Amortization2. Bonda. Straight Bondb. Convertible Bondc. Accrued Interest3. Calendar Functiona. Date Add/subtractb. Days/Month/Years between datesc. Day of Week4. Advanced Post-fix Scientific Calculator Calculatora. 20 Basic Arithmetic Operationsb. Ability to specify and perform fractionsc. 3Probability Operationsd. 5 Memory Operationse. 13 Trigonometry operationsf. 7 Statistics functions + data repeatg. Specify significance and precisionh. Simplify mixed fractionsi. Roundingj. Random number generationk. Rectangular to plar and vice versa5. Consumer Financea. Auto Financei. Amortizationii. Comparisoniii. Leaseiv. Lease vs. Buyv. Hybrid Break Even Point Analysisvi. What if analysisb. College Financei. Amortizationii. Comparisoniii. Consolidationiv. What if analysisc. Home Financei. Amortizationii. Affordabilityiii. APRiv. Balloon Paymentv. Comparisonvi. Costv. Durationvi. Qualificationvii. What if analysis6. Depreciationa. Straight Lineb. Accelerated Depreciation - Double Decliningc. Sum of Years Digitsd. Production or Usee. MACRS7. Forward & Futurea. Commodityb. Currencyc. Indexd. Forward8. Interest Ratea.Annuityb. Compound Interestc. Effective Annual Cost (EAC)d. Effective Annual Rate (EAR)e. Nominal/Real Interest Ratef. Perpetuityg. Simple Interest9. NPV/IRRa. Intervali. Calculate NPV of a series ofcash flowsii. Calculate IRR of a series of cash flow in APR and in ContinuousCompounding (CC)iii. Flexible cash flow (CF) timingiv. Flexible discount rates for NPV. Discount rate is carried overif none specified for a CF.v. Accepts CF CF starts at non-zero CF timing, if specified.Other wise, CFfor IRR starts at 0 and NPV at 1. CF starts at next numberb. Timei. Specify cash flow start timeii. Specify date of occurrance of cash flowiii. Specify cash flow repeat frequency in Month, Quarter,Half-Year, Year.iv. Rest of NPV/IRR - Interval functionality follow.10. Monte Carlo SimulationSimulates prices from the following 4 parameters:a. Trading daysb. Initial valuec. daily averaged. daily standard deviation of prices11. Optiona. Equity/Indexi. Option Valueii. Greeksiii. Implied Volatilityiv. Profitability analysisb. Foreign Currencyi. Option Valueii. Greeksiii. Implied Volatilityiv. Profitability analysisc. Option On Futurei. Option Valueii. Greeksiii. Implied Volatilityiv. Profitability analysis12. T-Billa. T-Bill Eq - Bond Equivalent Yield of Treasury Bills fromsettlement date, maturity date , and discount rateb. T-Bill Price Returns the price per $100 face value for aTreasury bill from from settlement date, maturity date , (or timeto maturity in days, months and years) and discount rate.c. T-Bill Yield - Returns the yield for a Treasury bill fromsettlement date, maturity date , and price. Face value of TreasuryBill is $100.13. Time Value14. Valuation - APV, Beta Un-lever, Beta Re-Lever, CAPM, WACC,WACC Valuation14. What if analysis15. World TimeSelect city and time zone from regionSelect of 600 time zones and 600 cities by regiona. Local time in 242 capitals by regionb. Local time in 50 major citiesc. Save cities, time zones, date input format, country specificdisplay format, base city and base time zoned. Jump to base city and time zonee. Obtain local time, search and convertf. Display in 8 locales16. Yield Curve17. Z-Score & bankruptcy probabilityComputes Z-Score, bankruptcy probability and interprets Z-Score(safe zone, distress zone, gray area) from market valuemeasures.18. What's Related displays related Business Compass LLCapps19. Places call to Business Compass20. Context sensitive help video21. Graphs & Charts22. Save/E-mail Result
Pedometer 4.0
Displays distance covered, elapsed time andaverage speed. Uses GPS to compute distance.
Altman Z-Score Classic 11.2
This app has been developed and enhanced incollaboration with Dr. Edward I. Altman, Max L. Heine Professor ofFinance at the Stern School of Business, New York University to:1. Make informed corporate lending decisions2. Manage accounts receivable more effectively3. Select corporate equity and debt securities4. Identify and manage corporate defaults and turnaroundsKey Features:1. Analyze Z, Z' and Z" scores for Public US Manufacturing,Private US Manufacturing, US Public & Private Non-Manufacturingand Public/Private Foreign industrial firms2. Generate Bond Rating Equivalent (BRE)a. Based on industry categoryb. Credit Rating Agency latter and alphanumeric grades3. Understand percentile ranking within and across manufacturingand non-manufacturing sectors4. Generate probability of default (PD) over 1-10 years of timehorizon into future for existing loans/bonds and/or all customersas well as for new bond/loan issues5. For BRE in default (D), generate statistical probability ofdefault6. Analyze trends over 3 year period7. Upload data file to web site, access and process the filefrom the app - useful in client presentations and travel -assistant can upload file remotely for analysis and presentationfrom App8. Share result via e-mail. E-mail with result in body of themessage and tab delimited text file as attachment for easy importinto popular spreadsheet apps9. Calculator is available with data input so that user canperform arithmetic calculations right from inside the AppRefresh Frequency:Benchmarks and Percentiles will be updated at least once ayear.P.S. Term of the license is 1 year. After 1 year from the firstuse, license will expire. 2012 version will be available in MarketPlace in September 2012.
Infix Calculator Adv Sci 7.0
Advanced Scientific Infix Calculator1. 18 Basic Arithmetic Operations2. Ability to specify and perform fractions3. 5 Probability Operations4. 4 Memory Operations5. 13 Trigonometry operations6. 5 Statistics functions + data repeat7. Specify significance and precision8. Autometic precedence and ability parenthesis9. Product Video10. Related App Link11. About Us
Monte Carlo Simulation 5.0
Simulate prices from trading days,initialvalue, daily average and daily standard deviation ofprices.
Mortgage Advanced 7.0
1. Calculate monthly payment andamortizationschedule for auto loan terms up to 40 years withoptional extrapayments and ability to specify number ofpayments/year2. Compare loans3. Save and E-Mail amortization schedule and compared paymentsintab delimited text file4. Easy to understand charts5. Calculator
Home Finance Professional 11.0
Key features:1. Home affordability2. Home loan amortization3. APR4. Balloon payment5. Comparison6. Cost7. Duration8. Loan qualification9. What-if analysis10. Built in Calculator11. Graphs and charts12. Save and e-mail result.
Options On Futures Pro 6.0
Key Features:1. Computes American and European Option price on futures2. Computes option Greeks3. Computes implied volatility for American andEuropeanoptions4. Saves and emails result5. Display call, put, covered call and protective put graphs
Chi-Square Calculator 2
1. Calculates Chi-Square value fromprobabilityand degree of freedom2. Calculates probability from Chi-Square value and degreeoffreedom3. PDF value
p-Value Calculator 2
Key Features:Calculates 9 p-Values + 5 inverse probability values:1. Chi-Square test & inverse2. Correlation Coefficient3. Fisher F-test & inverse4. Fisher's Exact Test5. Normal Curve - Cumulative, 1-Tailed, 2-Tailed and inverse6. Significance of Mediation7. Student's t-TestDisplay graphs.
Probability (PDF, CDF & p-Val) 3
Key Fearures:1. 5 PDF functions2. 3 CDF functionsa. Fisher F-Distributionb. Normal distributionc. Standard Normal Distribution3. 9 p-Values + 5 inversea. Chi-Square testb. Correlation Coefficientc. Fisher F-test & inversed. Fisher' Exact Teste. Normal - cumulative, 1 & 2-Tailed& inversef. Student T-Test&inverse
Thermometer 4.0
Measures and reports temperature indegreeCelsius and Fahrenheit.
Summary Statistics 1
Key Features:Calculates the following 10 summary statistics.1. min2. max3. mean4. n5. sum6. sum of squares7. standard deviation8. variance9. 95th percentile10. skewnessFrom entering data points or picking up data in a file whereeachline contains a data point.
Earned Value (EV) 4.0
Calculates Cost Variance (CV),ScheduleVariance (SV), Cost Performance Index (CPI),TCPI, Schedule Performance Index (SPI), Estimate AtCompletion(EAC), Estimate To Complete (ETC) and Variance AtCompletion (VAC)from Planned Value (PV), Earned Value (EV), Actualcost (AC), BAC,EAC, ETC and VAC. Save and e-mail result.
Covariance & Correlation 1
Key Features:1. Covariance and Correlation by entering data. Data sets needtoappear column wise. When a row is added, the data points for allthegroups in the same position are added.2. Covariance and Correlation from file3. Covariance from correlation4. Correlation from covariance5. Significance of correlation
Simple Regression 2
Key Features:1. Simple regression by entering x and y values2. Simple regression by reading tab delimited file for x and ydatavalues3. Predicts y value when x is supplied4. Displays Regression Statistics5. Displays ANOVA6. Draws regression graph
Calendar Plus 2.0
1. Difference between two dates inyears,months, weeks and days2. Add/subtract days/weeks/months/years to/from a date3. Day of week of a date4. Save date format
Probability Density Function 2
Computes Probability Density Function (PDF)offollowing 5 distributions:1. Chi-Square Distribution2. Fisher F-Distribution3. Normal Distribution4. Standard Normal Distribution5. Student's t-Distribution
Error Function Calculator 1
1. Computes the value of the errorfunction(a.k.a the Gauss error function) evaluated at a value of x.Thevalue returned will be the error function evaluated alongtheintegral from zero to x.2. Computes value of the complementary error function.Errorfunction evaluated along the integral from x topositiveinfinity.
Cumulative Dist. Function(CDF) 1
Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF)KeyFeatures:1. Fisher F Distribution2. Normal Distribution3. Standard Normal Distribution4. Student's t-Distribution
Beta Function 1
Key Features:1. Beta Function Calculator2. Incomplete Beta Function Calculator3. Regularized Incomplete Beta Function Calculator
Gamma Function 1
Key Features:1. Gamma Function2. Incomplete Gamma Function3. Regularized Incomplete Gamma Function
Units of Measurement Advanced 5.0
This application converts units in 8unitcategories.1. Area - Int'l and Survey2. Length - Int'l and Survey3. Mass4. Temperature5. Volume - Liquid and Dry
Units of Measurement Pro 10.0
This app converts 264 in 34 categories:AccelerationAngleArea - Int'l & SurveyDensityElectricityEnergyForceFrequencyFlow - Power & VolumeInformation EntropyLength - Int'l & SurveyLuminescenceMassNumberMagnetismPressureTemperatureTimeTorqueVelocityViscosityVolume - Dry & Liquid
Mobile Statistics Pro - Trial 7.0
Summary of Features:1. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)2. Beta Function3. Scientific Calculator (infix)4. Covariance & Correlation5. Effective Size6. Error Function7. Gamma Function8. Probabilitya. CDF & PDFb. p-value and Inverse p-value9. Simple and Multiple Regression10. Solver (with reverse Polish post-fix calculator)11. Summary Statistics12. Context Sensitive Help videos13. Call support14. E-Mail support15. Accepts data files to process16. Draws graphs & chartsDetail:ANOVA - Analysis of Variance - Features:Intra-class Correlation Calculator for ANOVAOne-Way ANOVA CalculatorFrom Summary Data - supply number of subjects, mean andstandarddeviationFrom Detail Data - supply data within a group and keepaddinggroupsFrom Data File - supply tab delimited file.Beta Function:Beta Function CalculatorIncomplete Beta Function CalculatorRegularized Incomplete Beta Function CalculatorScientific Calculator (Infix notation):18 Basic Arithmetic OperationsAbility to specify and perform fractions5 Probability Operations4 Memory Operations13 Trigonometry operations5 Statistics functions + data repeatSpecify significance and precisionAutometic precedence and ability parenthesisCovariance & Correlation:Covariance and Correlation by entering data. Data sets needtoappear column wise. When a row is added, the data points forallthe groups in the same position are added.Covariance and Correlation from fileCovariance from correlationCorrelation from covarianceSignificance of correlationEffect Size:Effect Size - Hierarchical Multiple RegressionEffect Size - Multiple RegressionEffect size Student's t-Test: Calculates the (two-tailed)effectsize for Student's t-test (Cohen's d), given the mean andstandarddeviation for two independent samples of equal size.Error Function:Computes the value of the error function (a.k.a the Gausserrorfunction) evaluated at a value of x. The value returned willbe theerror function evaluated along the integral from zero tox.Computes value of the complementary error function. Errorfunctionevaluated along the integral from x to positiveinfinity.Gamma Function:Gamma FunctionIncomplete Gamma FunctionRegularized Incomplete Gamma FunctionProbability:5 Probability Density Function (PDF) functions3 Cumulative Density Function (CDF) functionsa. Fisher F-Distributionb. Normal distributionc. Standard Normal Distribution9 p-Values + 5 inversea. Chi-Square testb. Correlation Coefficientc. Fisher F-test & inversed. Fisher' Exact Teste. Normal - cumulative, 1 & 2-Tailed & inversef. Student T-Test & inverseSimple and Multiple Regression:Calculates simple and multiple regressionAccepts input from data fileAllows entry of input data from key board4. Draws graphs for simple regressionSolver (with reverse Polish post-fix notation calculator):Solves f(x)Value of f(x) at cfc clears fxCij supplies coefficient20 Basic Arithmetic functionsFraction functions5 Probability Operations4 Memory Operations13 Trigonometry operations5 Statistics functions + data repeatSpecify significance and precisionSimplify fractionsSummary Statistics:Calculates the following 10 summary statistics.minmaxmeannsumsum of squaresstandard deviationvariance95th percentileskewnessFrom entering data points or picking up data in a file whereeachline contains a data point.
Altman Z-Score+ 1.0
Sniff out bankruptcy long before it occurs!This app allows access to Altman Z-Score+ web subscription.6000+ industrial companies trading on US Exchanges (NYSE,NASDAQ,AMEX, OTC BB and Pink-sheet) and Canada exchanges can beanalyzedby entering ticker symbol.This app has been developed and enhanced in collaborationwithDr. Edward I. Altman, Max L. Heine Professor of Finance attheStern School of Business, New York University to:1. Make informed corporate lending decisions2. Manage accounts receivable more effectively3. Select corporate equity and debt securities4. Identify and manage corporate defaults and turnaroundsKey Features:1. Analyze Z, Z' and Z" scores for Public US Manufacturing,PrivateUS Manufacturing, US Public & Private Non-ManufacturingandPublic/Private Foreign industrial firms2. Generate Bond Rating Equivalent (BRE)a. Based on industry categoryb. Credit Rating Agency latter and alphanumeric grades3. Understand percentile ranking within and across manufacturingandnon-manufacturing sectors4. Generate probability of default (PD) over 1-10 years oftimehorizon into future for existing loans/bonds and/or allcustomersas well as for new bond/loan issues5. For BRE in default (D), generate statistical probabilityofdefault6. Analyze trends over 3 year period7. Provide a score, generate BRE and PD.8. 3472 (2654 US and 618 Non-US) industrial companies tradingonNYSE, NASDAQ, AMEX, OTC BB and Pink-sheet can be analyzedbyentering ticker symbol. 100 companies can be analyzedeveryquarter.9. Upload data file to web site, access and process the filefromthe app - useful in client presentations and travel - assistantcanupload file remotely for analysis and presentation fromApp10. Share result via e-mail. E-mail with result in body ofthemessage and tab delimited text file as attachment for easyimportinto popular spreadsheet apps11. Calculator is available with data input so that user canperformarithmetic calculations right from inside the App12. Compare companies by entering ticker symbol13. Analyze a company by entering ticker symbol14. S&P 500 10 year history15. Dow 3016. Scan for companies based on market capitalization, SICCode,Z-Score, BRE, PDRefresh Frequency:1. Benchmarks and Percentiles will be updated at least onceayear.2. Score data will be refreshed on a monthly
Interest Rate Professional 5.0
Key features:1. Simple interest2. Compound interest (including continuous compounding),3. Annuity (advance/arrears)4. Perpetuity5. Effective annual rate (including continuous compounding)6. Nominal/real interest rates.